Friday, April 24, 2020

How to Write a Research Topic for Your Leadership Paper

How to Write a Research Topic for Your Leadership PaperBy the end of the fourth week of college, your students are probably tired of writing an essay on a theme that they dislike. The week before that, they might want to write a bit on the topic they're more interested in, but just can't seem to put it all together. The fifth week? Well, you'll never know what topics they'll be talking about...Students tend to think more about team work and working as a team rather than their personal feelings. They may have come up with a great idea for a paper on innovation or new products, but they still don't think it's good enough to write about. They are wondering if their topic can hold enough value to warrant the time and energy they are putting into writing.So now we move on to the sixth week. We've had a week of work on project-based papers that are short and sweet. Now we move onto big, theoretical pieces. The time spent on the research part of the assignment has definitely slowed down qui te a bit.In my opinion, the best way to complete a project-based paper is to do some simple research first. Go to your local library and find a book that covers topics in your area of interest. I have to admit, once I discovered the American Historical Review, I did not look back.Researching your topic can take a long time, but you should not be afraid to do some research yourself. You can check out websites, read books, talk to your professor, watch YouTube videos, and so much more. You may even want to learn how to use Google Scholar to help you accomplish your research.One of the things I like to do when completing my paper for the previous project istake notes on something in my life that has led me to that current topic. It helps me to not become too bogged down with the details of the project. If I find myself spending more time on a certain topic, I go off on tangents.Writing a paper requires you to spend time in a calm state. When you sit down at your desk and start working on your paper, try to create a calm feeling. This way, you will be more motivated to finish a certain part of your project.The final, week of researching, writing, and editing your research topic, is the week that makes it into your final draft. If your students and your teacher alike approve of your topic, you can congratulate yourself on completing your assignment. All that's left is for you to start typing!

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